Pregnancy #2

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Belly with Baby #2

Belly with Baby #2
39 Weeks

Baby #2

Baby #2
Born April 16, 2013

1st Pregnancy

1st Pregnancy

Baby #1

Baby #1
Born: May 24, 2006 7 lbs 9 oz. 20.5"

"Baby" #1

"Baby" #1
Now 8 Years Old

Maternity Photos

Maternity Photos

Friday, March 1, 2013

Telling my 7 year old about breastfeeding


What and how do you tell your 7 year old about how you plan to feed their new sibling.

I did breastfeed her for 6-8 weeks, but obviously, there wasn't another child around to explain it all to ahead of time.

After prepping bottles today, on the off chance that breastfeeding may not happen (even though I have a feeling it will), I wanted to make sure Alyssa knew that bottles may not be how this baby ate his food.

When she got home from school, she went straight for the drying bottles, wanting to help put them away.  Of course I let her help, but took the opportunity to explain that this is just a back up plan to feed the baby with the bottles.

I asked her if she knew a different way that babies ate, she told me "from a spoon."

That's when I knew I had a little explaining to do.

My first attempt - "Do you know how kittens eat from their mommies?"
"Yes" she said.
"That's how your baby brother will eat too, from me, his mommy."

I could tell she was confused.
I explained further that some babies eat from their mommy's boobies, and that it was the healthiest way for them to get food.

She literally laughed out loud.

I told her she would be seeing her baby brother eating a lot.  She said "well I'll probably laugh when I see it."
And I can't blame her.  If that's how she responds, that is fine.  I know eventually it will become old news.

I just really didn't want her to come to the hospital to meet her baby brother, and while there, see mommy's breast in her brother's mouth.  That's enough to scare any kid that doesn't know what it's about.

So that's where I'm leaving it.  I don't think she needs a whole sit down conversation about it.  If she has questions, I know she will be asking.

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