Pregnancy #2

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Belly with Baby #2

Belly with Baby #2
39 Weeks

Baby #2

Baby #2
Born April 16, 2013

1st Pregnancy

1st Pregnancy

Baby #1

Baby #1
Born: May 24, 2006 7 lbs 9 oz. 20.5"

"Baby" #1

"Baby" #1
Now 8 Years Old

Maternity Photos

Maternity Photos

Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Good, Bad, and the Ugly

For a day that was supposed to be filled with work - it sure was.  And not the work I was expecting (work with my business).

Instead, Steve brought home the second hand changing table that we bought.  It prompted an entire room make-over.  

Holy Moly...

Alyssa's room was beyond a disaster.  Mind you baby and Alyssa are SHARING a room.  She is a spoiled little girl that also keeps everything.  Pair that with me not having the best motivation lately due to work and 3 months of being sick from the pregnancy - the room was neglected.  We would make her "clean it," but you can't expect a whole lot out of a 6 year old.

Steve took on the task of dealing with most of it.  Two trash bags and many many trips up and down the stairs the room was pretty well cleared out.  Including our guinea pig Pongo.

We took a break to visit family for dinner.  Came back home to get the room furniture moved around.

Steve said - why don't we put the crib together... aaaa... sure, why not.

After more trips up and down the stairs, lost screws, and disinfecting everything - WE HAVE A CRIB!

So the GOOD of this:
We have an almost new changing table
The crib set up
A fairly clean bedroom/nursery for the kids

The BAD:
My basement is a DISASTER (that will be a whole other day to clean and reorganize)
The closet in the room wasn't even touched (another days worth of reorganizing)

And the UGLY:
After trying 3 or 4 different room arrangements with the crib and Alyssa's bed, none of us are happy.  It's just not working out the way we hoped. Alyssa was in tears over the fact that her bed couldn't go up in the corner of the room even.  I'm hoping it was just that she was tired and it had been a long day or cleaning and working for her. 

I'll post photos of what we are working with tomorrow.

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