Pregnancy #2

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Belly with Baby #2

Belly with Baby #2
39 Weeks

Baby #2

Baby #2
Born April 16, 2013

1st Pregnancy

1st Pregnancy

Baby #1

Baby #1
Born: May 24, 2006 7 lbs 9 oz. 20.5"

"Baby" #1

"Baby" #1
Now 8 Years Old

Maternity Photos

Maternity Photos

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Tackle the closet today?

After cleaning out the garage yesterday, I feel like I'm on a roll.

Or like I should get on the ball and stay on a roll.

Alyssa's room will also become the nursery.  We have lots of room in our house, but for whatever reason there are only 2 bedrooms.  So baby and Alyssa will be sharing.  And that is fine.  Especially since the baby will only be having diaper changes in there for the first 6 months anyway.

This is the plan:

This is and will remain Alyssa's space.

We added a "cubicle" system with the cube drawers to it for her toys to be hidden away in there.
All her clothes will be in the closet as well.  There is a small space for hanging dresses and then shelves as well where she has canvas bins for socks/underwear/PJ's/T-Shirts/Jeans/etc.
There will be a baby proof (but not Alyssa proof) lock added to the closet door as well.

Alyssa's bedroom arrangements:
She will have her bed and a nightstand
Special under the bed boxes will be purchased for her to have extra storage.
Otherwise, that is all for her in the room.
**We want to keep the room itself as clutter free as possible for safety purposes.

The Baby's arrangements:
Crib - we are using the crib from when Alyssa was a baby.  It also has space underneath for under the bed boxes and extra storage.
Last summer we painted an old TV Armoire white and cleaned it up.  We added a hang rail to it so it is now the baby's own personal closet in the room.  It has room for baskets and two drawers in the bottom as well, so most of it's clothing will go there.

And the next thing is one I'm not real sure about yet.
The changing table
We have a dresser in there that we could add the changing pad to the top of, but it's not the best fit.  OR keep the dresser for extra clothing/cloth diaper storage and squeeze in a changing table too...
I'm leaning towards using what we have and forgo the changing table.  Less clutter.

So for the most part the kids will have their own things in their own places, no sharing that.  But will be sharing their sleep space with each other eventually.

So now the question today is - do I tackle the closet?
She has SO MANY clothes in there that she has outgrown that need to go.
And it's a mess, and needs it anyway.

Or do I wait?  Do the whole thing together room and closet?

I need to do her room anyway before Christmas to get rid of the old to make room for the new.  Plus the nursery construction will begin as soon as the Christmas tree comes down.  So maybe waiting a bit would be a good idea?

I don't know.  None of it sounds like fun, but needs to be done.

We will see how the day goes...

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