Pregnancy #2

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Belly with Baby #2

Belly with Baby #2
39 Weeks

Baby #2

Baby #2
Born April 16, 2013

1st Pregnancy

1st Pregnancy

Baby #1

Baby #1
Born: May 24, 2006 7 lbs 9 oz. 20.5"

"Baby" #1

"Baby" #1
Now 8 Years Old

Maternity Photos

Maternity Photos

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Cloth Diapering at 16 Months

We are continuing to "part time" cloth diaper our little boy.  By part time I mean, we cloth diaper half the time.  We have done this since we was itty bitty and it's what works for us.  I at one time did full time cloth diaper, and it was too much for me, so we reverted back to part time and have made it to 16 months.

If we are at home, we cloth diaper.  If we are not at home, we do NOT cloth diaper.  When he goes to stay with my mom over night, he is in disposables, for her sake.  And when we are out and about, church, parties, weddings, dinners, shopping, appointments, he is in disposables for the convenience of it.

Night time, we also have him in disposables.  Here's why.  It's not that he is a heavy wetter, he actually isn't very wet at all in the mornings, even after sleeping for 12 hours.  It's because he has sensitive skin.  You would think that cloth would help with this problem; however, he easily gets a "wet rash" and/or has a sensitivity to the micro suede lining of the diapers.  Fleece seems to be a little more gentile on him.

When we use disposables, we use Huggies.  My favorites are the little movers, but snug and dry are what we usually buy because you get more for the same price as the little movers.  He has no leak issues with either, it's just the fit is nicer on the little movers.  We recently bought Pampers and they are HORRIBLE.  I don't understand why people love them and why they are one of the more expensive diapers.  There is no "elastic" at the back and the moisture bleeds through the outer cover.  So even if he doesn't leak he has moist clothes from them 'leaking" through the outer layer.  Not to mention the poop up the back issues they cause more often.  Never again with Pampers.

And back to the cloth diapering...
We do use flushable liners.  They seem to help keep the diaper rashes at bay.  We also have a diaper sprayer that I use occasionally for those extra messy ones.

For diaper laundry I wash went the bag is full.  Sometimes that's 3 days somethings that's 6 days.  I know I shouldn't go that long, but I do make sure the diapers are as clean as I can get them before they go into the bag and throw a splash of bleach into the wash with those loads.  

I was almost to the point of giving up (as I'm sure this happens to a lot of mom's that as their baby's change and their preferances change with age) but we have worked through all the issues luckily.  

In the video below you'll see our diaper stash and some of the diapers that weren't favorites/were favorites and of course, the star of the show, my son Carter, now 16 months old.

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