Today is actually Carter's SIX Month birthday! But here is his 5 Month video I finished this weekend finally. Time to start working on month 6 :)
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Monday, August 26, 2013
4 Month Update
WOW, this baby has done some serious growing!
Photo at one month and at 4 months |
He had a doctor's appointment on Friday, August 16th (his 4 month birthday) and weighed 17 lbs 1oz (95%) and was 27" long (100% +)!!!
Also at his appointment we found out a few things that are going on with Carter right now that we weren't expecting.
First, he is having some neck trouble. It's called Torticallis. Basically either from his delivery or how he was in the womb, his neck muscles on his right side, are very tight. He looks to the right much more then to the left. We were given exercises to do with him as well as massage to help to loose it up. If at his 6 month appointment it is not getting better he is looking at having to go to a physical therapist.
Although this is scary to me as a mom, I'm also realizing that it is a fixable problem and not serious by any means. We just need to take the steps to have it corrected now and not when he gets older when it could impair him developmentally.
Second, he is apparently tounge tied...
This came as a shock because Carter is an excellent nursing baby boy. It got him to a heft 17 lbs for goodness sake! That being said, this must be the main reason why he doesn't (or now can't), take a pacifier. He also didn't take to his Avent brand bottles and we had to get the Dr. Brown bottles instead for expressed breast milk. So we are possibly looking at going to Children's Hospital to have it clipped. We are still on the fence about this though. It hasn't interrupted his eating. If the doctor thinks it could mess with his speak then we will talk more about it.
I made a 4 month video and included most of the small clips and photos from the past month to it. I wish I had done this from the 1st month on, but I guess I can go back and compile it all (I just won't be narrating). So maybe this is the start to his monthly update vlogs :)
He's quite the little man now. LOVE him to pieces <3
Thursday, August 1, 2013
3 Month Update
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Getting much better in his saucer! |
I can't believe our baby boy is already 3 1/2 months old!
He is already doing so much! He's got such a sweet personality. He wakes up so happy and plays happily all throughout the day. Nights are another story... he seems to wear himself out and then just wants to eat the night away.
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Cute outfit from his Great Aunt Jamie |
I'm not sure of his size, he doesn't have another doctor's appointment till he is 4 months. But he's getting SO BIG!
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Look Mom! I can fit my whole hand in my mouth! |
He has found his feet and hands now. He kicks and kicks like a crazy man. He loves to kick the toys hanging from his car seat. He is grabbing things with his hands and bringing them to his mouth. So toys are now coming into play. A krinkly plush monkey is is favorite so far.
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Carter's 1st Fourth of July |
He had his first official holiday - 4th of July! He just watched the fireworks and jumped at every giant BOOM, but never cried once. We had a great family day!
He got his first bottle at around 2 months and is now getting one bottle per day (to get him used to the bottle for going to the babysitters house). However, I am still breastfeeding him and he is only getting breast milk in his bottles, no formula! Yay!
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No longer sleeping in his bouncer but in the co-sleeper next to Mommy |
He has had some bumps in the road this month. Sleeping has not been going so smoothly the last 3 weeks. Many nights he is up over and over again with hardly any longer stretches of sleep. So this mama isn't getting much sleep.
He did start having some spit up issues and frustrations while nursing. He was signalling to me that he just wasn't satisfied with just the breast milk. He is a big boy after all. I know he was getting plenty to eat, from pumping I was getting 4-5oz each time - which is plenty - but he would nurse and nurse and spit up. So that to me was signaling me that it was time to start cereal. We started with oatmeal. It has more nutrition then rice cereal, however he wasn't all the good at getting it from the spoon to his belly. We tried it in a bottle and it just clogged the nipples. So we are using rice cereal now in bottles and every once in awhile we are spoon feeding in. My hope is when we hit 4 months, we will do spoon fed oatmeal in the mornings and rice cereal in a bottle at night.
I have to also add, that this has done NOTHING to help with his sleeping. If anything, it gives him more energy and keeps him up instead.
Today is my last day on "maternity leave." My first show since March starts tomorrow which means I will be away from Carter for very long stretches of time this weekend. That also means lots of bottles and I have a feeling he's not going to like it at all. I will be home around 10pm each night to get him and breastfeed him throughout the night, but there will be 3 straight days of a babysitter and family watching him. I hope he is not a big mess come Monday!
With all the ups and downs this month I still feel so blessed to have a healthy cuddly baby boy! He is my pride and joy and I feel so lucky to have been able to stay home with him for 3 1/2 months! It's been amazing!
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1st Trip to the Zoo |
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Trying out our new Ergo carrier! |
2 Month Update
So I am WAY behind on this update! I'm going to do my best to remember what all happened here...
Carter turned 2 months old on June 16th, 2013
He didn't have a doctor's appointment till he was 2 months and 2 weeks old because his pediatrician was out of town enjoying her own new grandbaby being born.
He was 24.5" (grew 3 1/4"!)
He weighed 14 lbs 10 oz. (gained 6 lbs 2 oz!)
He's in the 80% for height and 90% for weight
He also received FOUR shots and also an oral vaccine. He did start to run a fever that evening for all the junk going through him. So he received his first dose of Tylenol that day as well.
He was still 100% breastfed eating about every 2.5-3 hours.
Sleeping was going pretty good, still waking up about twice a night. Some stretches of sleep were up to 4 hours straight!
He started getting pretty strong at 2 months old. He held his head up pretty good and could bare weight on his legs when held up.
He's just a joy to have. So far a very sweet and easy baby!
Saturday, June 29, 2013
10 Weeks Post Partum
It has been a roller coaster the last 10 weeks.
Emotionally, I do and have felt great. Thank goodness for that. No baby blues and honestly I've just really enjoyed this time with my baby boy. I was kind of scared of those first 6 weeks, remembering how hard they were with my, now 7 year old, daughter. But maybe it just gets easier the 2nd time around? I knew more of what to expect, was much more laid back, or maybe more then anything, we just have an easier baby this time around.
Physically, that's where the roller coaster has been. I went to my 6 week check up and was still very sore. I was so upset that it was taking me so long to heal, especially after only needing 1 stitch after delivery. The doctor said I had more "road rash" then tears (he did have a 14" head!!). Despite being the mom to a newborn and 7 year old I still managed to shower every single day. I used my medicines and sprays till they were gone, it wasn't that I didn't take care of myself. The doctor said to use Dove soap, which I was, no personal grooming, and try olive oil to keep things "moisturized."
I tried the olive oil, I put it in my peri bottle and kept it with cotton balls in the bathroom cabinet. After a few days of that, I had a better idea. Witch Hazel. I had been using the Tucks pads in with my pads. I had stopped using pads when my bleeding had stopped (which was around 4 wks. PP). I had a bottle of just witch hazel, not on pads, so I started dabbing that on with a cotton ball instead of the olive oil when I used the restroom. Less then a week later, all was pretty well healed!!
I guess after that I'm still afraid of intercourse. I'm probably fine to go ahead with that, but I'm just not ready. The thought of RE-injuring that area, after it is just now finally feeling normal again, scares me. Hubby is fine with it and there is no pressure there.
And last but not lease, constipation... oh how I hate you.
I have been drinking as much water as I can. I am breastfeeding and that is reason enough to stay hydrated, but it's also summer, and it's hot. I still take a stool softener, which helps. I have to take an iron pill because my hemoglobin has been extra low since I had Carter, so that's not helping the situation. I hope to get this issue balanced out sooner rather then later.
I guess I should talk about breastfeeding too.
To some it up, I love it 90% of the time. I'm producing just enough for him, it doesn't hurt, I love the bonding, and he's great at it. Not to mention I feel like super mom when all he's ever had in his whole little life is my milk and he's already a huge baby :) I'm a small 120 lbs. - had a 8lb 6oz baby who is now probably 13 lbs at 10 wks old. So YAY for my breast milk!!!
Then on to talk about the 10% that I don't like - restrictions when we are out and about. Having to drop everything, find a chair, and nurse him while we are in the middle of whatever. I don't mind being the only one that can feed him when it's time to eat - even if it's dinner time and I'm at the table eating left handed because he feels the need to have dinner with us - but I do wish that at some points, like when we are at a store buying groceries, that I could just pop a bottle in his mouth and go on about our shopping. But I guess that's a small complaint in a big vast world of wonderfulness.
Sleep- I get some of that.
Usually 3-4 hours at the start of the night, then every 2-3 hours he wakes up after that. He's usually "in bed" for 10-12 hours (plus those intermittent feedings in there). I really can't wait till I can have a full nights sleep though. As lucky as I am that he DOES SLEEP and for a newborn, sleeps pretty good, I would like a good 10 hour stretch of sleep without being scared out of a deep sleep by baby cries.
All in all, right now, I am feeling pretty good!
We joined the YMCA when Carter was 6 weeks old and I've been going to the gym there 3 days a week ever since. I usually do 15-20 min of cardio on the elliptical or upright bike, then I do another 30ish min of weight training. Currently I'm 122 lbs, I'd like to stay about where I'm at, but I really want to get toned up. My arms, thighs, and especially my mama belly. I still have a "mother's line," which I hate looking at in the mirror (you couldn't even see it when I was preggo, just AFTER?!?), but it is fading. I hope to start seeing some of the belly fat start to disappear too.
I feel like I'm on the upswing. Time really does go by way too quickly.
Monday, May 20, 2013
Family Photography
We were out in a beautiful historic area yesterday and took some family photos while we were there.
Alyssa is turning 7 (OMG) on Friday so it was good timing to get some photos of her. The worst thing, we needed a 5th person to take some photos of all 4 of us together, but oh well... Another time.
Officially Cloth Diapering!
I'm not super educated on cloth diapering and I'm very new to the whole thing - but I'm already wondering why more people don't do this! It is, for the most part, simple.
Carter has been in cloth diapers, during the day, for 5 days now.
Here's his FIRST official cloth diaper (Sunbaby)
How cute is that!?!
First first day of wearing cloth diapers.
I wanted to try out as many brands/styles as I could to test them out.
We tried Sunbaby, Alva, FuzziBunz, Lil Joey, Kawaii, and a Flip
The Lil Joey was just to put on him before he grows much more (it's a newborn size). I don't have any complaints about any of them yet. Carter doesn't seem to mind them. I have to say, it's going to take me awhile to get used to all the snapping, but it's doable.
We are still using disposables at night and while we are out.
I did my 1st load of cloth diaper laundry last night.
Again, really simple.
I went on YouTube and watched a few laundry routine videos, wrote down the one that worked for me, and put it in the laundry room so I didn't forget. At some point I won't need it anymore, but for now, it's just a reminder.
I put my drying rack up in our bathtub and the diapers were dry by morning.
Inserts went into the dryer.
I stuffed all the diapers this morning and we are ready to go!
I really think in a week or two, it will all be second nature. It wasn't gross and it wasn't a burden doing the extra load of laundry. So far, I think I'm going to like cloth diapering.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
4 Weeks Old
I can't believe TODAY (May 16, 2013) my baby boy is already one month old.
Things have just gone way too fast. We've been so lucky that he's been a great eater and sleeper, with only a few days/times where he's been a challenge, that time really did fly by. It's those tough times, where things seem to drag on, but we haven't had a whole lot of those.
I got to go out, by myself, for the first time with no kids on the 14th. We had a quick girl's dinner at AppleBee's. I also ran into the store to grab a few things while I was out. All in all I was gone about 2 1/2 hours.
I did pump ALL that day to make a bottle for Carter to have while I was gone.
It took me all day to get 2 1/2 oz. I told Steve to take a picture if he ended up using it, it was his first bottle after all...
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Big sister giving Carter his first bottle |
I almost burst into tears at the dinner table when this picture popped up on my phone. It was a mix of emotions, proud to see my daughter being so good with her brother, sad I was missing out on the milestone, and kind of panicked that I wasn't there to feed him from the breast and that he had to have a bottle. They did fine while I was away though and it was nice to get out of the house.
We had such a BUSY month with this little guy. I can't believe we did so much, all while trying to adjust our lives around having a new member of the family:
Family staying with us, friends and family popping in and out, a vacation, Mother's Day, keeping up with Alyssa's activities, Steve getting a new position at work and adjusting to that, 2 doctor's appointments (with a 3rd tomorrow), and more...
We are so blessed to have a son. I am looking forward to his 2nd month, but sad to see him growing up already.
Monday, May 13, 2013
Mother's Day
I got to celebrate my first Mother's Day as a mom of two this year!
What a busy Mother's Day it was though.
Alyssa was so sweet and made me a fruit salad and toast for breakfast, all by herself.
It took us forever to get out of the house, but once we did we headed to my grandmother's house, who lives an hour and a half away.
This is my Grandma's first great grandson and it was her first time meeting him.
How sweet!
Unfortunately, Carter wasn't the best burper the night before and had a rough afternoon. He spit up a lot and was very restless. It was sad to see him like that, and sad that he was not being the best baby while at my Grandma's house.
Luckily, he did sleep the way there and the way back.
Before going home we went to see Steve's mom, sister, and aunt and uncle for Mother's Day as well. We ended up staying till 9pm, which was way too late. Carter was feeling much better that evening though, and it made it easier for us to visit.
We didn't get home till 9:30pm. There was nothing relaxing about this Mother's Day, but at least we got to see family and introduce Carter to so many people. But after 4 hours of driving and being gone all day and night, we were exhausted! We all fell asleep by 10:30pm. Carter got up at 2:30am and nursed for 8 min, went back to sleep and didn't get up till 5am again. So I think he was pretty wore out himself.
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Mother's Day 2013 |
I can not tell you how fortunate I am to have my babies! Not only that but also to have such a wonderful husband who always goes above and beyond. Blessed and grateful.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Baby's Routine
I'm lucky in the fact that Carter has kind of made his own routine that happens to work for me and the family. He's also only had a couple nights that were a little rough, but for the most part, he's not gotten his days and nights mixed up.
Here's a round about overview of our days/nigts:
10:30-11:30pm: Bedtime
2:00-3:00am: 1st night feeding
5:00-7:00am: 2nd night feeding
9:00am: Carter wakes up for the day
11:00am: 1st nap
2:00pm: He usually nurses so he's ready to go pick up big sister from school by 3pm
He'll usually take one good long nap between 3pm and 6pm
then a shorter nap before 9pm
I pretty well let him decide when he wants to eat and sleep in the afternoon and evening and just go with the flow for the most part.
He's been a great baby just from the routine he's set for himself. I'm getting some sleep at night which is the main thing. I still hold him A LOT during the day, even when he is sleeping, so I don't get a whole lot done during the day, but I know that will get better.
At only 3 weeks and 2 days old, I couldn't ask for more, and I don't mind getting in these extra snuggles while he still lets me :)
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
40 Weeks and 4 Days of Pregnancy
This is what I worked towards for 9 months!
It wasn't easy getting a photo taken every 4 weeks because of not feeling well, lighting not being right, moving furniture out of the way, making sure I was put together, setting up the camera... etc.
I had very few photos of me pregnant with Alyssa, I'm so glad I have this progression to look back on. And that last photo, makes me remember that all the hardships of pregnancy reap a blessing in the end.
Breastfeeding Update: 3 Weeks
I am now 3 weeks into exclusively breastfeeding our son.
I couldn't ask for it to be going any better.
I had hoped and prayed that this would be something I could do for him. I was able to breastfeed our daughter, but only till she was 6 weeks old, when I had to return to work. This baby, I really hoped I'd make it a lot longer then 6 weeks.
My short term goal:
I knew I was ABLE to breastfeed after having done it before, but the other 50% of successful breastfeeding is up to the baby.
When Carter was given to me after birth, I got to snuggle him for about 2 minutes before they had me try to nurse him. I keep telling people he was like a "magnet." He latched right on, so issue at all ever since.
He has a great latch, and from what the nurses told me, I have great nipples for nursing. A great combo for successful breastfeeding. Thank goodness!
Nursing in Public:
I've gotten brave, lol!
I didn't do this with my daughter. If I needed to nurse, I did it in the car or in a closed off room. This baby, I have a nursing cover, and I'm not afraid to use it. I've used it at home when we have company, I've used it in the car when we were out and about, and I've even used it out shopping on a bench or sitting at a table that is convenient.
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Warming up to the idea of nursing in public and figuring out how to use my nursing cover. Nursing in the car. |
Milk Supply:
I think I have just the right amount of milk for this little guy. He has had some spit up issues, but nothing like my daughter. I had a large over supply with her, which made it to be too much for her and uncomfortable for me. With Carter, I'm rarely engorged. My nipples have gotten a little sore here and there, he has extra strong suction when he is really hungry (FEED ME!).
I have been pumping a few morning a week. I want to get a stock going in my freezer for when he goes to a babysitter. I usually get 1-2 oz. after I feed him and then pump.
Nursing Schedule:
During the day he nurses anywhere from every 1.5-3 hours
At night he goes 2.5-4 hours
He nurses on average 8 min. on one side and 5 min. on the 2nd side
Sometimes he will hang out and comfort nurse and I'll let him stay there up to 10 min., but after that I know he's going to start having spit up issues.
A lot of times he will pop himself off when he is full though, I don't think he really is an over eater (yet).
After nursing, he is always a happy baby. He will most of the time either fall asleep with a full belly or he gets into his "observation mode" where he is awake and looking around.
All in all, I've had a great experience this time around. I love that I can have this bond with my son and it be a positive memory for me instead of a period in my life with a lot of challenges and frustration. I only wish this would be every women's experience with breastfeeding.
Baby Update: Weeks 2 & 3
Carter's belly button stump fell off the 2nd week and he got to take his first real bath!
I weighed him on our home scale and he'd gained 1 lb. 1 oz. in just 2 weeks!!
The doctor said I must be making "buttermilk."
He got his first ride in the Baby Bjorn
He got to meet Great Aunt Jamie and Uncle Larry
Carter's Grandpa came in to stay the weekend to meet Carter
First trip to the park and stroller ride
We also took a 4 day/3night vacation to use our timeshare.
Great Uncle Terry and Aunt Sue meeting Carter at the Outlet Mall
Steve and I got our first date WITHOUT kids on vacation while my mom babysat them.
Saw this antique station wagon and had to get a photo of Carter in it
He also did a lot of watching sister swim.
He had his own swimming experience getting his bath on vacation in our giant jacuzzi tub with mommy. He loved it!
And we hung out as a family, which was the best part of the whole vacation
TODAY Carter is 3 weeks old!!!
He's officially grown out of his newborn clothes. He's just so long!
This is his first 0-3 month outfit, it's also the 1st thing I bought when we found out we were having a son.
It has a polar bear on it that says "bear hugs" with that cute bear hat!
I had ONE newborn diaper I accidently bought 2nd hand. I knew we wouldn't be cloth diapering till his was bigger, so why I bought this one, I can't remember. Since I had it, I had to at least try it on him! 1st time in a cloth diaper (then I took it back off, lol)!
And I got out his floor mat gym. I think he will like it, eventually. He looked at everything, but got a little overwhelmed after awhile.
It's been a wonderful first 3 weeks with this little guy.
Don't know what we did without him in our lives.
3 Weeks Postpartum
3 weeks already!
Current weight: 117
*3 lbs UNDER pre pregnancy weight*
As far as recovery goes, it's still going...
I don't remember still being this sore at this point after having my daughter.
I'm still wearing a thicker panty liner and am taking an ibuprophen here and there when I'm feeling like I need something for the irritation. The worst part of this recovery, is are the hemroids. I didn't think I'd need to Doculace, but it's almost a must now. I can deal with the rest, but that part sucks.
Other then that I am getting some sleep and Carter is doing great. Breastfeeding is going great too, I'll do separate updates on those subjects.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Postpartum: Week 1
I was lucky... I guess you could say
Even though Carter was born with a 14" head measurement, I only had to have 1 stitch after delivery. And they said it was a "precautionary stitch" at that. They also said I had more "scrapes" then cuts or tears.
I did, however, have A LOT of swelling. And I was still in a lot of pain, of course, after delivering a 8 lb. 6 oz. baby.
I thought I'd share, to remember, what my postpartum recovery suppliers were:
The hospital sent me home with most of it, I bought the StayFree pads of course.
I still use all of this, every trip to the bathroom. I started using my own pads and undies on day 7. I have to say, that helps make you feel better by itself. Much more comfortable.
I'm now 8 days postpartum!
I'm now 8 days postpartum!
At my doctor's appointment before I went into the hospital I topped out at 139 lbs.
I gained a total of 19 lbs.
Today I weigh 120.5 lbs. - only .5 lbs away from my pre pregnancy weight!
And let me tell you - I've been eating GOOD. The hospital food was soooo good and I ate like a pig. Then my mom and Grandma cooked and fed me for 4 days after we got home from the hospital. And I have to admit, I've been snacking a lot during our breastfeeding sessions too. Throw in the fact that I can have caffeine again, eating and drinking has not been an issue.
As far as how I'm doing 8 days after giving birth - I feel good!
The first 5 days were the worst and going to the bathroom is still uncomfortable. But I've been able to take Ibuprophen just when I need it instead of the every 6 hours to "keep on top of it."
I'm able to get around a lot easier (getting up and down, in and out of bed, bending over).
I am still having back pain from the epidural.
I almost wonder if it's a combination of a lot of things though, such as:
-Loosing all the weight in the front
-Holding, picking up, and putting down a baby all the time
-Bending over for diaper changes
So I hope the back pain eases sooner rather then later.
But really, I can't complain. I'm so lucky to have had a basically, complication free delivery, and that I'm healing well for the most part.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Labor & Delivery: Part 3
Carter Lee was born on April 16th, 2013 at 4:19pm
He was 8 lbs 6 oz and 21 1/4" long!
He was perfect! The meconium didn't hurt him and he was healthy as can be when he was born.
Apgar scores of 8 and 9.
Although they didn't want him crying right away, due to the meconium, he did and sounded great!
Steve and I looked at each other with teary eyes and shared a special proud moment at that point.
Emotions ran crazy through me - scared for the baby, relief he was here, so proud of what Steve and I had made together, excitement to get to meet him...
They did a very long check on him to make sure everything was ok while they worked to get me put back together. It was a very long 30 minutes of waiting till I finally got to hold our precious baby boy.
I got to ooo and ahhh over him for about 2 minutes before it was time to try nursing him for the first time. I couldn't believe he latched right now. I keep telling people, he was like a magnet. A pro from the very first moment. I switched sides with him and he did the same thing, latched right on.
Then it was Steve's turn to hold his son for the 1st time.
I think in that moment he was SCARED. He says to me "I don't remember how to hold a newborn!" Ha! I said - well you are going to start getting used to it again - right now! He's been great and fine about it ever since, it was just that first initial moment of "oh, you are just going to hand him over to me!?!"
My mom got him next, the rest of the family outside the door patiently waiting for their turn to come into the room.
Of course Alyssa got the first close up look after that.
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Introducing Alyssa to Carter for the 1st time. She walked into the room pretty slowly, but look at that smile! |
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Holding her baby brother for the 1st time! She couldn't get enough of him - I think she held him more then anyone else that night |
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Our Family of 4 A girl and a boy, our family is now complete |
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Papa |
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Aunt Shae |
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Grandma |
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